Friday, October 16, 2009


My girlfriend jmr early this year found out she had breast cancer. It was around February when we went for the biopsy. There was a river of emotions since then and there were six chemo treatments. Wow, she just text me she just had her last chemo. Though I am on the east coast now, we are still close. There is something about the closeness of people when they think of each other. Do you coincidentally think of someone too? Her cancer was stage 4 on the left breast. During surgery they found the right was at stage 1. She then decided to remove both breasts during surgery. During quiet times like now I wonder how different she must feel, though necessary as it is, your body means so much to you. It is a modern facility in San Diego and very peaceful and relaxing for the patients. Just 5 years ago I had volunteered at Sharp Hospital on the 8th floor North in Oncology. This brought memories back to me. Volunteering for good causes is something a person should do at least once in life. The appreciation it brings to ones self is important to experience. She is now wearing a wig and still is looking fabulous *smile* .... and she's smiling too. Hopefully, after these chemo treatments her hair will grow back soon. My contribution has been emotional support and text messaging to keep in touch. She is a survivor. Today on Martha Stewart, the show was dedicated to breast cancer survivors. So hold close to your girlfriends, check yourself, and contribute to a healthy life i.e. CR and exercise, emotional supports of friends and family, and new acquaintances along the way. And in closing... in my thoughts "a peaceful life is all I ask".