Friday, October 16, 2009

getting in swing

So, I am getting into the swing of things and hopping back on the CR way of things. Day two of morning exercising. I have a food diary for today and it's early in the day. I hope to stick with it. I have gained 10 lbs. I thought it was more, say 13 lbs. but I weighed myself and it is only 10. Yes, I did procrastinate on weighing myself. I think it is getting over accepting it. What do you think? I have updated food diary.

Today's food diary

Morning exercise
1 cup of decaffienated tea from Teavana called To Life
1 hr Fit TV channel 181: Star workout Marsala Workout
5 g or 1 serving Whey Protein mixed with water after workout
This is 110 calories.

Lunch, something easy that I can't mess up on
100 g Spinach raw
10 g Walnuts
20 g Dried Cranberries
2 T LaMaison Cherry Balsamic Dressing, Costco
2 oz of 57 grams Salmon by Kirland canned
This is 352.7 calories.

135 g Strawberries
60 g Banana
100g Plain yogurt full fat
This is 255.2 calories.

3 oz Atlantic Cod
90 g French Green Beans
70 g Broccoli Florets frozen
70 g Carrots raw
5 Almonds chopped
2 Tbsp Lucini 10 yr Balsamico
The veggies are steamed then tossed with toasted chopped almonds and warmed balsamic vinegar.
This is 220.4 calories.

Snack and nightcap
100 g Blueberries
1 cup of To Life Tea by Teavana
This is 51 calories

This is 914 calories: 99 grams carbs; 73 grams protein; 31 grams fat
Vitamin A 757%; B12 70%; Vitamin C 183%; Niacin 73%
Vitamin K 490% from veggies
Calcium 59% take a supplement or drink fortified milk; Iron 86%
Manganese 151%, Copper 95%
Omega-3 122% and Omega-6 50%
Meals and snack are at 2 to 3 hours.
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food diary=> 30:40:30 protein:carbs:fat

If you feel hungry eat more veggies at dinner and instead of snacking
and chewing, think about water or decaffeinated ice tea or hot tea.