Friday, April 29, 2011

did you hug someone today?

I hugged my coworker girlfriend as we laughed about something funny and wonderful she said. I was happy for her.

botanical gardens

We took a great drive 8 miles from home to the Brookside botanical gardens. Such a beautiful day when we went a couple of weeks ago. Stunning walk ways and everyone was out since it was a warm 83 ยบ.

Rows and beds of beautiful tulips in stunning bright red-orange. A feast of beauty.

The lake in the mitts of everything was a reflective sight. Blue skies reflected off the calm waters.

CR: I am eating well with the right portions and not knit picking the percentages to death but the totals are around 1200 give or take 100 kal. I have lost the jiggle and am working on walking a bit more when the weather permits. Along with CR I incorporate some exercise. This weekend is suppose to be wonderful. I plan a 7 to 10 mile hike Saturday or Sunday morning around Lake Frank. Getting my stretch in prior to hiking. I will enjoy listening to the birds in the serene forest as I hike through the leaves and rocks and hills. I am hoping to see deer and offspring grazing. I will also hope to be always fascinated with whatever birds and small animals happily foraging throughout the serene cool forest.

Home front: I have purchased a home on my own. Location 28 miles due north of my present stay. A quaint small home which was originally a 3 bedroom home but the master now has a sitting room. So a quaint home with a big master bedroom, another bedroom and bath with a wonderful front and backyard. I am patiently waiting. My offer was Monday the seller accepted Tuesday and I am giddy Wednesday and Thursday and yet perhaps tomorrow too. I plan a friendly bird paradise and with flowers and greenery abundance. I hope all goes well with the inspection and paperwork and bank and then I shall receive the keys at the end.

NOTE: You may use my pictures in this botanical garden article as screen savers with my permission. Please do not sell these photos and please give credit if used kindly.

Friday, April 1, 2011

zoomin' around the lake 1966 porche 911

Now that Spring has arrived the tuning up for a drive is coming sooner after the rainy weather stops coming through the area. Though the daffodils and the tulips have not yet bloomed fully, I am looking forward to a spin on a favorite car we have. This car is a 911 model 1966 year porche, it is a shifting... and your head thrown back, zooming fun ride around the lake. It was recovered from a garage with 25 years of rest and not driven at all. We have enjoyed fixing it the last 3 years. Now spiffied up and shined... we regard it a beauty and some say rare at this condition.

CR: Have stuck to my quotidian diet with success and hope to loose the jiggle while jogging around the park. I have succeeded in loosing a few pounds of the jiggle and smiling my way to a fun summer jogging. Yes, there were times I fell off the wagon but you have to get back on sometime, hopefully soon after. I am happily getting back on track.