Wednesday, August 31, 2011

is there enough time in a day?

Today's menu was 'keeping up' with clients and making everything work like clock work. It's true there isn't enough time in the day to fit everything in. I salute those individuals who make everything in their lives work and make their primary time to love and be with their family as well.

As soon as I came home, of course, who's very blue eyes looked at me lovingly was Miss Olivia. At six months she's a cute ball of fur. I like to talk to her as she looks up and listens to me. She purrs in gratitude of affection and attentiveness or just in presence of company. This picture is of Miss Olivia. I have a new camera... and am not quite happy yet with the shots. So I will read up on the preferences and set them for better results.

CR: For lunch went to Panera for their Asian Salad...mmmm delish! Light offerings after work for dinner due to just plain not hungry. Went for fruit... banana, grapes and strawberries maybe something latter if I really want something. BP this evening is 118/75 this reading is better than this morning even after a busy day.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I was thinking how nice it was living in California with my wonderful garden there. I do miss the grapevines. Here is a picture of my home in California with the grapevine garden. My hopes is to have another nice garden in the new home. Settlement date is in a few weeks and there is some planning to do.

CR: In regards to plants... I also believe in a plant based diet. I still have a ways to go to be virtually following this diet. I recently watched a video regarding plant based diet, vegan. President Clinton and his interview regarding his vegan diet. I also believe a vegan diet is the perfect diet with healing qualities.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

sipping for health

I am now sipping for health with coconut juice. I have found my blood pressure has lowered. I fell into the thought of coconut juice as a healthy alternative to soda and a refreshing taste other that plain water. At a price of $1 a can of 500 ml or 16.9 fluid oz I have stocked up on it. I am drinking young coconut juice with pulp. I am limiting myself to one can a day so not to increase my normal intake of sugars.

Here are encouraging articles written on website search for pros and cons of coconut juice. I drink simple young coconut juice with pulp.

Weather: Hurricane Irene passed thru last night Saturday. Only rain and gusts of wind were evident. The next morning Sunday we had no electricity for about 2 hours or so. Everything is fine now.

Friday, August 26, 2011

looking around!!

Early morning and I met at my inpending home for an inspection with the inspector and my realtor agent. Everything went well and I asked my agent in summary how he felt about it. He was pleased and the purchase of the home is a go ahead.
Now the day is done and I just want to rest here. I close my eyes and let the pillows conform to my head and Olivia (kitty) lays beside me watching me in her bonding way... good girl.

Monday, August 22, 2011

peaceful places

I am returning to my peaceful places and found wonderful open breath of fresh air has come back to me.

My good news! There are several to count my blessings.

Life has been kind and given me a chance to get acquainted with new twin kitty's named Olivia with her sister named Isabela in the house I am presently in. Yes, sisters but definitely not alike and now six months old. They are fun and rambunctious though curious and funny to watch. A nice distraction while other exciting events go on in my life.

Then I just received news 2 hours ago that the house I have been patiently waiting for is approved. My settlement date will be my choice next month. I will then have keys on hand and my excitement is just growing with anticipation on a home of my very own. A three bedroom (but one room will be the master with a sitting room) rancher style home with a driveway and front and backyard.

Currently, I have been working hard and have a great working team at work with bonding friendships. It will be almost one year since hired in, well exactly ten months so far. I am in the mitts of a double promotion to Assistant Branch Manager at the bank. OMGosh ... can life be any kinder!

Now after all this excitement... I choose to meditate and find my mind in peaceful places right now. I know I can go out and celebrate like crazy but I choose to sit here and close my eyes... breath and let my mind find peaceful places. I think my celebration will be inside my heart and I will find my mind in a kinder place, a very happy place. Oh and I will hug and kiss Olivia (kitty) ... she keeps bugging me right now *smile*

A mindful question to you: when you receive good news, how do you feel and how do you channel it in your life... what do you call or define a fortunate and happy event?