Monday, June 22, 2009

food as fuel

Food is an important part of living well or it can be an addiction. In my life it is a support to healthy living in addition to exercise. Tammey Burns is on the Today Show and in her past food "was" and addiction and "now" is referred to "fuel" to her body. The mind can do wonderful helpful things in our life with positive thoughts. Read about Tammey Burns her New Life.

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
20 minuets Pilates Cardio, pilates machine
130 g Plain yogurt
132 g Fresh Strawberries

100 g Fresh Spinach
18 g Walnuts
18 g Dried Cranberries
2 T Rice Wine Vinegar sweeten with Splenda, zero calories
165 g Salmon by Kirkland

125 g Blueberries
7 each Whole Almonds

Shrimp with Pomadora Sauce served over veggies
100 g Extra Large Shrimp
250 g Pomadora Sauce
100 g Sliced Carrots
100 g Broccoli
100 g Sliced Zucchini

105 g Sliced Strawberries
1 Tall glass of Ice Tea

1 T Ghiradelli Plain Cocoa mixed with hot water, 20 calories

This is 1,000 calories: 106 grams carbs, 78 grams protein, 34 grams fat
Vitamin-A 945%, Folate 115%, B-12 157%, Vitamin-C 338%, Iron 162%,
Omega-3 170% and Omega-6 62%
Fiber 24.3 g 122% RDA for Fiber is 22 grams
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours.
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food diary=> 30:40:30 protein:carb:fat