Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Today is a good day to harvest some of the zucchini squash that have grown for dinner. The day before yesterday I laid down a drip system for the raised planter and down behind the potted plants then leading into the green house. In the future, I wanted to grow herbs and green onion inside the green house. Inside environment in the green house will protect the herbs from white flies and insects.

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
40 minutes Pilates Level 2, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein mixed with water after workout

130 g Fresh strawberries

100 g Fresh Spinach
17 g Walnuts
25 g Dried Cranberries
2 T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette
45 g Atlantic Salmon by Kirkland

186 g Green Granny Smith Apple
1 glass Iced Tea

110 g Peek-a-Blue Chicken, Chicken breast & Blue Cheese sauce
served over veggies
65 g Zucchini Squash
150 g Broccoli

130 g Blueberries thawed
5 Almonds
1 glass Iced Tea

1 T Ghirardelli Chocolate Cocoa mixed with hot water

This is 1,000 calories: 112 grams carbs, 79 grams protein, 34 grams fat
Vitamin D: outside gardening with hat, sunscreen
Vitamin C 242%, Omega-3 144%, Omega-6 60%
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food=> 30:40:30 protein:carb:fat