Friday, March 25, 2011

the polite cardinal

The cardinals were feeding quickly to avoid sharing the bird feeder with the red wing black birds. I side with the cardinals due to the black birds flap overly excited when they feed. If you can imagine politeness among creatures. The cardinals fly in pick out their seeds and fly off to the side to the lilac bush and finish eating. While taking polite turns with the other birds they share the tray with.

My flowery plantings of snapdragons along with the daffodils are gaining height. It may snow in the next two days on Sunday. Hopefully, the daffodils will not stunt growth due to the snap of cold weather.

CR: Have been watching my bp and hb per minute. Lately, hb or heartbeat is a little too fast. I need to cut back on potassium and foods that start fast heart rate. Discussed this with the Dr at last visit. Dr ran a specific test on potassium and vitamins on my request. Next visit tentative in 2 weeks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

sunflower memories

Sometime ago, I was on a tour of 10 countries within a time of 3 months. I can say I enjoyed it immensely even on the days I was so... so... tired. I had met so many interesting people. Some professors in philosophy and some in culture, emerging artists, knowledgeable tour guides, a aerospace engineer, and the people who were on my tour were fascinating. I have vivid picturesque colors of south of France and sunflowers in Tuscany's low hills to emerald green blue waters around Greece and the island of Corfu. It's a once in a life time trip I took and gladly paid for... to me the memories and mostly the people that intrigued me along the way. Some day I will go again, I hope.

CR: After getting approval yesterday from my doctor. I am cutting my calories down to 1200. My exercise routine doc says I need to ramp up more slowly and not run every day but walk a few miles instead. Then replace the balance from walking then to running more often. Okay, we'll do so. Couldn't run today nor walk due to wet pavement and the weather not so great. I don't like to breath in deeply cold air into my lungs, so I'll wait till the weather gets warmer again. Hate to be sick when the weather does turn warm again.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moss growing and meandering through the landscape at the look out point at Lake Needwood.

During my walk we ran into a relaxing bear at the park at Lake Needwood, Maryland. Almost poetic considering the weather is now warmer.

CR: Continuing to jog on days off and now adding walks in the late afternoon. Took baseline blood work today. I will get results in the next few days. I wanted to see where my numbers lead me in areas such as vitamins and other categories. Next month I will also have my annual physical.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

quiet view of lake needwood

Calm waters and vista views of Lake Needwood, Maryland. A nice pause in today's schedule.

Our drive today took us to the south side of the lake. A solitary wood boat meandering in the waters as they enjoy a serene afternoon.

Friday, March 18, 2011

pansies a colorful choice

We will plant pansies today since it will be 72º. A border of pansies will make a colorful choice near the tulips.

This morning there was a spring bunny grazing on the lawn umder the hemlock trees.

The robins are out and the birds are singing. They know that it will be a bright and warm day.

Exercise: Yesterday evening I started jogging. This morning I took my familiar route and counted the houses then went through the park. On my route a window sill kitty greeted me with surprised eyes. Yes, I am back traveling through and getting my pace back.

daffodills springing

The daffodills are much taller and with the warm weather of 72º they should try to bud soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

artful entrance

Queen's Ink has artful designs filling their displays and your eyes. A lot of inspiration everywhere you look.

art class at queens ink

Queen's Ink is my go to place to learn techniques and art supplies. I just finished a class in altered books instructed by mixed media artist Carol Owen. Carol Owen mixed media artist.

savage mill

Took a weekend art class at savage mill complex. Here is a historic old millinery mill converted to a art, food and community retail center.

Friday, March 11, 2011

trees budding

Around the bridge there are some beautiful trees. They are budding now but I can't identify the tree type just yet. I'll come back to this tree from time to time to watch it's progress.

The neighbor's dog got out and he was inspecting our trees.. you know. Anyways, he was so excited he inspected every tree in my yard. I'm wondering if there are different scents to each tree. Though he is a dog and he is curious. mmmm.

quiet park bridge

Another picture of a neighborhood bridge I like to jog or take a beautiful walk around the area. The past day it has been drizzling rain. The trees are starting to bud as well as my bulbs have been growing even faster into tall soldiers.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

moose lodge

I was traveling around and found the Moose Lodge women's chapter. It's a place where the community gets together... bingo, taco night, event gatherings. I am not a member but thought mmmm.. I didn't know they existed.

CR: Had meals on time... and eating more fruits and veggies for fullness and haven't had any need for late meals nor have I been hungry for late meals. That's a good thing.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

chipping sparrow and red headed sparrow

We have a lot of sparrows. Though, this shot did not come out so well. I found a chipping sparrow and a red headed sparrow looking back at me.

The chipping sparrow is a widely distributed songbird from Canada to Texas and the Atlantic to Pacific coast. They mostly live anywhere there are wooded habitats, orchards and parks. They feed on seeds, small fruits and insects. The males solely have songs that repeat, tssip that sound like trills or dry rattle. Frequent calls are a short tsip, to communicate to each other. Also, a sharp chip, for an alarm song. Song wordings from Bird Songs, 250 North American Birds in Song.

Monday, March 7, 2011

tulip candies to the eyes

For the last 5 years we have planted more and more tulips and have a wide variety. This shot I took of is the Breck's perennial tulip mix super sak®. Here is the link to Breck's. The mix is a variety of long-lasting blooms and these bulbs are from Holland. Every bulb and plantings we have purchased have bloomed to our expectations. They make lovely arrangements, like candy to the eyes. I will follow-up with growth every so often to have a diary of the tulips.

CR: I followed an old recipe from a cook book that's been in the family over 50 years. A pristine collectors copy Betty Crocker 1956. I was dismayed by the quantity of salt it required, 1 teaspoon. I couldn't do it... so when we were ready to eat I sat the salt shaker out. mmmm but I still couldn't do it. For the recipe next time I will chop in some celery and veggies in. Since celery and other vegetables have natural salts and its flavor will complete it and not the teaspoon of salt. Then I will be okay.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

morning flowers and birds singing

This morning I woke up to birds singing and feeding. The drizzle of rain showers wet the birds feathers as they flew in to feed. They were in the lilac bushes grabbing on to the sticky branches that are not yet budding. They would occasionally give themselves a good shake to roll the rain off their backs. If they could smile, I'm sure they would be grinning from cheek to cheek.

This morning I selected snapdragons and wax flowers for my quiet room. They are fragrant with soft mellow scents. A good start for a rainy day.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

spring has arrived

The snow has melted and the yard is full of new growth. My daffodils are just about 5 inches tall. Now spring has arrived.

CR: Oooops, I had a french fry today.