CR: After getting approval yesterday from my doctor. I am cutting my calories down to 1200. My exercise routine doc says I need to ramp up more slowly and not run every day but walk a few miles instead. Then replace the balance from walking then to running more often. Okay, we'll do so. Couldn't run today nor walk due to wet pavement and the weather not so great. I don't like to breath in deeply cold air into my lungs, so I'll wait till the weather gets warmer again. Hate to be sick when the weather does turn warm again.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
sunflower memories
Sometime ago, I was on a tour of 10 countries within a time of 3 months. I can say I enjoyed it immensely even on the days I was so... so... tired. I had met so many interesting people. Some professors in philosophy and some in culture, emerging artists, knowledgeable tour guides, a aerospace engineer, and the people who were on my tour were fascinating. I have vivid picturesque colors of south of France and sunflowers in Tuscany's low hills to emerald green blue waters around Greece and the island of Corfu. It's a once in a life time trip I took and gladly paid for... to me the memories and mostly the people that intrigued me along the way. Some day I will go again, I hope.