Thursday, March 12, 2009

will power

Lately, I have tried out not rigorously weighing food. I wanted to see if my food choices would change if I didn't weigh my food.  I found that I have portion control. It was easier to have two normal meals a day and portion the plate as three-fourth vegetables and fruits with the remainder protein i.e. fish. I am still exercising daily with pilates performer machine, cardio one day alternating with pilates level 2 performer workout.

I had a check-up lately and my blood pressure is higher but my blood work was all fine.  My physician wanted me to lower my weight by 12 pounds. Keeping on my CR regime is good and really "will power" to keep up is fine.  If I have for example canned salmon and a green apple and a salad, I am fine and satiated.  If I do eat too much today then the next day I go back to CR and balance it out that day right away.  No guilt, just a renewed will power to go on.