Sunday, July 5, 2009


Last night we watched fireworks from on top of our water tower almost 20 feet high in back end of our acreage. We have a well. I braved it through the climb up there and really never felt safe while sitting there. The neighbors sounded their excitement when a great burst and sparkle lit up the sky. I found a video on fireworks from last night. Though it's not from where I am it was nice to see. Fireworks July 4th, 2009 in New York City viewed.

Today's food diary
I am working on loosing a couple pounds that I gained recently. I have made progress but it's best to average it after a few weeks.

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
20 minutes Pilates Cardio, pilates machine
130 g Gala Apple

100 g Fresh Spinach
22 g Walnuts
2 T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette

A smoothie for a nice day while I walk the property.
I have a Kichen Aid Blender set on High for 10 seconds. Makes 16 oz.
1 cup ice
135 g Fresh Strawberries
50 g Plain Yogurt, full fat
75 g or 1 medium Banana

Shrimp and veggies with Pomodoro Sauce
300 g Zucchini large dice or medium 2 inch sticks
50 g Onion large diced
242 g or 1 cup of Pomodoro Sauce homemade
207 g Extra Large Shrimp
5 g or 1 Tbsp of Grated Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese on top
This dinner makes a lot, ... enough for leftovers.

129 g Blueberries
7 Almonds
2 Glasses of Iced Tea

2 cups Hot Tea with Stevia, both decaffinated

This is 1,000 calories: 110 grams carbs, 76 grams protein, 33 grams fat
Vitamins-A 338%, Folate 112%, B2 102%, B6 101%,
Vitamin B12 100%, Vitamin C 203%, Vitamin K 437%
Minerals Cooper 186%, Iron 159%, Manganese 267%
Omega-3 231% and Omega-6 71%
Vitamin D 79% in food diary plus outside walking with hat, sunscreen
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours.
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food diary=> 30:40:30 protein:carb:fat