Friday, July 10, 2009

today's my birthday

Today's my birthday and we went to Sea World in San Diego, California. Sea World is located on the bay and shore having a cool breeze. The temp outside was in the high 70's and was nice to be outside walking. I wore sunglasses and sunscreen. My shoulders did suffer a sunburn. Today's food diary took a vacation day from calorie restriction. Here's how the day went.

Today's food diary

Croissant and expresso coffee
Bottled water during walking

At Sea World they did have a nice seafood menu.
Grilled glazed Salmon with grilled veggies and french fries
Diet drink
Cheese cake with cherries on top

Large soft Pretzel with cream cheese inside
Bottled water during walking in park.

Dinner around 9 p.m.
Asian Noodle Soup

Stayed up late to unwind from trip to Sea World
Alot of cold drinks from being outside and walking all day.
Diet Cranberry and Pomegranate juice and bottled water

Dolphins dancing.

Baluga whale jumping.

Two whales posing. Which one is Shamu?

Shamu jumping for visiting crowd.

View of small pond during our walk through park.

Rapids Ride the corkscrews move water next to the boat lift.

Wild boat ride on the rapids.

This was my lunch partner... patiently waiting for a handout.

Of course! I have pics of flamingos.

Whale smiling for the trainer.

High whale jump for the crowd.

Trainer's fun whale ride.

How fast can Shamu swim? Click picture for closer look at answer.

A passing jump and swim for the crowd.

Ominous view of remains of a Mega Shark's teeth.

The sign reviewing the Mega Shark's teeth.

Seal enclosure. From crowd, "Dude, you need to do something for food."

Seals swimming and feeding. The dude hasn't learned a trick yet, oh well.

Special Guided Tours. These children were singing and laughing. We followed for a while and laughed with them.

Penguins viewed behind glass on man-made cliffs and water.


Penguins under water swimming.

Wild Arctive ride entrance.

Looking up to view shark passing by.

This time the shark shows off his teeth. Maybe it's time for feeding?