Saturday, July 4, 2009

summer foods

I recently went fruit shopping and a wealth of summer foods are on display. Kiwi, cherries, strawberries, blueberries and more. The summer foods and veggies aid in the reduction of the risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Click here and read article on Summer Foods.

Today's food diary
I had gained a couple pounds recently and will compensate with exercise and food. Today may be low on the calorie side but evenly balanced between protein/carb/fat 30:40:30.

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
20 minutes Pilates Cardio, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein mixed with water after workout

100 g Fresh Spinach
22 g Walnuts
10 g Cranberries
2 T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette
2 Tall glasses of Iced Tea

I made a fruit smoothie to enjoy on a warm day. Makes 16 oz serving.
I have a Kitchen Aid Blender set on High for 10 seconds.
135 g Fresh Strawberries
50 g Plain yogurt, full fat
100 g or 1 medium Banana
1 cup ice cubes

Zucchini baked with Panko crumbs with olive oil and spices;
bake 425 F for 40 minutes or more
Use a white Cordon Bleu tart baking dish 10 inch which you will eat on.
Or, a baking dish you can bake and eat on.
200 g Fresh Zucchini sliced in slim wedges then cut 2 inches long
Light spray using Olive Oil Spray Pam which is easier
Add Spices Ancho Chili Pepper spice, Season Salt
10 g Panko Bread Crumbs sprinkled on top then lightly spray Olive Oil Pam
Bake zucchini for 40 minutes till crispy and golden brown
After baking then top with in the following order
91 g Grilled Chicken Breast shreded
65 g Roma Tomato diced small
1 T Balsamic Vinegar sprinkled on top, baking dish will sizzle.
Garnish lightly with parsley if desired, makes dish presentation look nice.
Optional grate lightly on top Parmigiano Reggiano, but add calories
Optional French Baguette bread served with it, but add calories

80 g Blueberries, great source of antioxidents
34 g Fresh Kiwi fruit, contains 35% of RDA of Vitamin C
2 Tall glasses of Iced Tea

2 cups Hot Tea with Stevia, both decaffinated

This is 900 calories: 102 grams carbs, 71 grams protein, 30 grams fat
Vitamins-A 353%, Folate 104%, B3 Niacin 107%,
Vitamin B6 109%, Vitamin C 215%
Minerals Copper 119%, Iron 86%, Manganese 248%
Omega-3 160% and Omega-6 70%
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours.
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food diary=> 30:40:30 protein:carb:fat