Monday, April 20, 2009

ice cream

We had errands to run today. So today's outing included a scoop of ice cream.  I wanted to work it into the food diary and yes I did do that. CR lifestyle does not incumber my food choice, I just work it in. Especially if it is something fun that I can work on having.

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
20 minutes Pilates Cardio rebounder, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein mixed with water after workout

100 g Spinach fresh
115 g Tomato wedges
15 g Cranberries dried
11 g Walnuts crumbled
1 Hard boiled egg
2T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette

1 Scoop Pecan Praline ice cream

100 g Chicken Caciatore lite version
100 g Egg noodles
100 g Cauliflower

74 g Blueberries
145 g Almond Breeze

1 T Cocoa plain with Splenda, CR Hot Cocoa 20 calories

This is 1,000 calories: 107 grams carbs, 78 grams protein, 34 grams fat
Vitamin D: Almond Breeze and gardening outside with hat, sunscreen
Vitamin C 100% and 97% Omega-3 and 45% Omega-6
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food=> 30:40:30  protein:carb:fat

Sunday, April 19, 2009

grocery lookout

Seeking the best for less so I added the Grocery LookOut to my blog.  I have found being cost effective in shopping makes staying on CR easier.  I have frequented the Costco warehouse stores in our area within 5 to 10 mile radius.  There is a membership fee to join but the cost savings is tremendous over the year.  Groceries at the nearby regular grocery stores have smaller container quantities and it makes it expensive for small 8 oz fruit cartons opposed to a 5 lb. bag of blueberries. Fresh strawberries at $5.99 for 5 lbs is a great buy and if I can find it cheaper the better. It's nice to see Costco rotates seasonal fruits and vegetables plus the usual staples you like to munch on. There are many items to find there.

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
40 minutes Pilates Level 2 workout, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein mixed with water after workout

100 g Spinach fresh
130 g Tomatoes 
20 g Cranberries dried
12 g Blue Cheese crumbled on top
2 T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette, 80 calories

100 g Strawberries
Tall cold glass of Ice Tea

84 g Chicken Mornay with Parmesean sauce
served over broccoli
155 g Broccoli

134 g Blueberries
125 g Almond Breeze

This is 1,000 calories: 107 grams carbs, 79 grams protein, 34 grams fat
Vitamin D: Almond Breeze and gardening outside with hat, sunscreen
Vitamin C at 211% Vitamin E at 83%
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food=> protein:carb:fat  30:40:30

Saturday, April 18, 2009

today's view

I believe exercise should be part of a daily lifestyle.  I choose Pilates as mine. Pilates strengthens your core and lengthens your muscles.  Using coordination and breathing exercises pilates also relaxes your mind.  Exercises strengthen and lengthen your muscles during the routine and at cool down.  Here are some exercises to try out.  I use my weight with 2 resistance bands on these exercises: bicep and pectoral curls.

Here is my Aero Pilates Machine

Here is a great bicep exercise=> Rowing:Bicep Curls

Here is a great pectoral exercise=> Rowing:Pectoral Pulls

I do my Pilates Level 2 exercises one day then Pilates Cardio the next. I try to jazz it up by using different resistance bands or different Levels 1 or 2 that day.  

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
20 minutes Pilates Cardio rebounder, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein mixed with water after workout

100 g Spinach fresh
21 g Walnuts
20 g Cranberries dried
2 T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette, 80 calories
1 Hard boiled egg

135 g Blueberries
175 g Almond Breeze, source of Vitamin D

95 g Chicken Teriyaki
100 g Brown Rice
100 g Stir-fry veggies mushrooms, red bell pepper, broccoli

120 g Strawberries
1 T Cocoa, CR Cocoa mixed with hot water

This is 1,000 calories: 108 grams carbs, 78 grams protein, 34 grams fat
Vitamin D: Almond Breeze and gardening outside with hat, sunscreen
Omega-3 vitamins at 156% and Omega-6 vitamins at 71%
Vitamin C at 163% and Vitamin E at 90%
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food=> protein:carb:fat  30:40:30

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

treadmill stress test

I had my Treadmill Stress Test this morning to check my heart.  The office had the most innovative and up-to-date technology. After my treadmill results the cardiologist Dr. said my heart is good and cleared me for exercise.  The assistant and doctor said I am very fit due to exercising every day.  Here are the stats Blood Pressure BP and Heart Rate HR

Stats taken prior to going onto treadmill stress test.
Supine (laying down) BP 108/70; HR 66
Standing after laying down BP 90/64; HR 78

BP and HR on Treadmill slowly working up to running
Stage 1, 10% grade 3 minutes BP 120/68; HR 96
Stage 2, 12% grade 6 minutes BP 130/64; HR 124
Stage 3 14% grade 9 minutes BP 146/64; HR 160
Stage 4 16% grade 9-1/2 minutes BP 146/64; HR 171
Stage 5 16% grade running 3 minutes BP 146/64; HR 172

Recovery Resting Rate sitting down BP and HR
1 minute after Treadmill test BP 138/50; HR 146
3 minutes after Treadmill test BP 120/40; HR 116
5 minutes after Treadmill test BP 100/50; HR 108

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
Exercise routine after doctor's appointment returning at home
20 minutes Pilates Cardio rebounder, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein mixed with water after workout

100 g Spinach raw
10 g Walnuts crumbled
25 g Cranberries dried
2T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette, 80 calories
85 g Salmon canned by Kirkland

100 g Blueberries fresh
4 Almonds

113 g Tilapia Lemon Piccata by World Catch
100 g Brown Rice
100 g Broccoli

111 g Blueberries
100 g Strawberries
1 cup CR Cocoa, 1T Cocoa mixed with hot water

This is 1,000 calories: 108 grams carbs, 79 grams protein, 34 grams fat
Vitamin D: Almonds and outside gardening with hat, sunscreen
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food=>  protein:carb:fat   30:40:30

Sunday, April 12, 2009

easter sunday

This is Easter Sunday and it's sunny and the air is cool and fresh. I worked out early this morning and am appreciating the solitude right now. I'm glad it's part rural here where you can see and hear nature which has a calming affect in my life here. I will be walking around the backyard which is 2 acres looking at my fruit trees and my new container garden in front of my green house.

Today's food fair to Easter

Morning tea and also throughout the day
1 cup coffee sometime during the day
20 minutes Pilates Cardio rebounder, pilates machine
150 g Almond Breeze, which is a source of vitamin D

100 g Spinach raw
14 g Cranberries dried unsweetened
12 g Walnuts crumbled
2 T Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette, 80 calories

115 g Blueberries fresh
7 Almonds

This is unusual for me and I included red meat today
210 g Beef Rib Eye Roast
160 g Baked Potato
45 g Acorn Squash mashed
100 g Iceburg lettuce
4 g Sunflower seeds over salad
2 T Wishbone Lite French, 50 calories

75 g Blueberries fresh
1 T Cocoa plain and hot water, CR Cocoa 20 calories

This is 1,064 calories: 111 grams carbs, 77 grams protein, 36 grams fats
Vitamin D: Almond Breeze drink and outside gardening with hat, sunscreen
Meals and snacks are at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food protein:carb:fat 30:40:30
Note today's food has 83% vitamins and 84% minerals daily requirements and includes Omega-3 and Omega-6 before adding supplement pills of vitamin and minerals to my diet today.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

container gardening

I am a novice in gardening and by any means not a professional at it but we have a beautiful mature 2+acres of fruit trees and sorts.  I have a beautiful free standing greenhouse with 6 long slanted 1 ft wide x 6 ft tall windows facing south. I wanted to start seedling inside but since frost is not expected, I started the seedlings in their appropriate containers. Some very large containers to smaller clay pots for my container garden. I have a raised bed adjacent but are preparing the soil for future use.  I have planted a variety of tomato that grows not too tall about less than 2 feet in the large round containers.  Also, a zucchini squash in a medium large container. Experimented in planting in many regular containers with floral varieties for splash of color here and there. Exciting news this morning.  The crowning of the zucchini squash plant is apparent now.  A thick leaf and stem coming through the soil. I feel like a proud mother *smile*.

Today's food diary

Morning tea and also throughout the day
40 minutes Pilates Level 2 workout, pilates machine
28 g Whey Protein vanilla flavor mixed with water after workout

100 g Spinach raw
15 g Cranberries dried unsweetened
21 g Walnuts
2 T Raspberry Walnut vinaigrette, 80 calories
50 g Tuna Albacore, protein

115 g Blueberries
10 Almonds

113 g Tilapia Dijon Encrusted by World Catch
100 g Brown rice
100 g Broccoli

144 g Strawberries
1 T Cocoa mixed with cup of hot water, CR Cocoa, 20 calories

This is 983 calories: 104 grams carbs, 80 grams protein, 34 grams fats
Vitamin D: Outside 40 minutes gardening with hat and sunscreen
Meals and snacks were at 2 to 3 hours
I use vitamins and mineral supplements on things I am low on.
Today's food, protein:carb:fat 30:40:30