CR: I am making a point to eat on time. Feeling not too tired from being overly busy. We'll have a day off tomorrow for some art and me time. It rained today, so tomorrow no running around if I can help it.
Monday, February 28, 2011
oscar's best actor
Colin Firth won last night best actor and as well as his movie won best movie, The King's Speech, at the 2011 Oscar's. He is my favorite actor and yesterday I predicted the movie would win. Yea. I will be adding it to my movie library. I have some of his movies, even bridget jones's diary and bridget jones's the edge of reason with renee zellweger and hugh grant. I enjoy any movie he's done. I understand the queen enjoyed his movie also. This picture is kindly attributed to source: flickr:filming colin and Helena and author: and licensed under: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
cheers to roses
Some days are good days but today Sunday was a grand day. Busy busy busy but I like to be busy... and there is nothing like having a bunch of roses to cheer up my quiet room. My sanctuary where I can pass the time in contemplation and meditation. So here's Cheers! to my cheery room.
CR: I was able to work in a treat... so I can have a small scoop each of mango and passion fruit ice cream. Yes, it was good!
Oscar prediction: Movie=> King's Speech
Saturday, February 26, 2011
white-breasted nuthatch
Out the window I spied a white-breasted nuthatch. A frequent visitor to the hidden bird feeder under the dogwood tree. The tree with drummed holes in it. The birds peck the seeds open in these holes. I have watched this particular bird drum seeds open frequently. We have black oil sunflower seeds in the feeder. We get our seeds at the birder store. I took this quick shot thinking he would move on but he stayed for a few minutes at this pose in a contemplative state. I think he's happy... he looks full and happy.
The nuthatch is a woodland bird that likes hopping up and down or walking with their strong feet up and down the tree bark. They hoard their food during the fall and winter for latter use. Songs by males are in series of repeated notes, hah-hah-hah and what-what-what. But both sexes calls are hit and tuck. The call quank which is used in mild excitement. Song wordings from Bird Songs, 250 North American Birds in Song.
CR: Had a busy day and there was 8 hrs break between eating. Still on CR but will need to be mindful and eat more regularly on time.
Friday, February 25, 2011
cooper's hawk arrives
This morning to my curiosity and wonder, a Cooper's Hawk appeared again sitting on the branch of my bird feeder. It was a female with beautiful white feathers with tipped dark brown rows on her breast and under wings with bright large yellow legs. This free image does not show her beauty. My camera flashed when it should not have. This medium large visitor had a deafening quiet to our surrounding area. The birds were dismayed by her stature and presence. I'm sure my happy small bird regulars will return tomorrow when she is done with her route today. She was lovely to see fly off with her wings full giving her height. I will try again sometime to get her picture sitting or opening up her wings for flight.
The most common call vocalized is cak-cak-cak as an alarm. The male frequent call is kik used for presence and location for his female mate. The last call noted is whaaa, for females flying toward males and flying back to their nest with food. Song call wordings by Bird Songs, 250 North American Birds in Song. She has been visiting every third week and I think she must have a route that takes her a while to come back to my area. Beauty and danger in one.
CR: On another subject, I'm keeping up with my CR and have done well this week. Even tonight we went out on a Friday evening tired but I took time to select a healthy dinner, good for me.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
bridges to spring
On my drive I by pass a local park a half mile from home. During the summer or any good day off, I would include it into my route as a bonus during my jogs. Then I would count the homes and see their cats in the window sills smiling back at me. Today it rained a few hours before my drive home. I took this picture so when spring comes in a few weeks I could take a beautiful budding picture of the trees to compare them. Then I would have bridges to spring.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
acai berry smoothie
I'm an admitted magazine junkie. My go to mag currently is Food & Wine, healthy recipes big flavors, march 2011, Week of Healthy Wines on newsstands now. I have it delivered, so no hunting for it.
I found this new smoothie recipe, Acai Super Smoothie. It takes 5 min to make, makes 2 large drinks. Here is link to recipe, Acai Super Smoothie, for your library. Reading on, the article combines 3.5 oz pkg of frozen unsweetened acai puree. We have a couple stores here like Trader Joe's and Whole Food's. I haven't checked to see if they stock acai puree. If it isn't available substitute strawberries with a splash of acai juice drink which is found everywhere. My thinking is the taste and the puree of a popular fruit. I would say maybe 2/3 c strawberries, 1/4 c raspberries, a small splash of acai juice (too much will make drink watery), add a large dollop of plain yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1 cup ice. Kitchen Aid Blender on High for 10 seconds, makes 16 oz serving. Avoid sweetners, no need for agave nectar unless you have a very sweet craving use truvia or splenda which should be blended at the same time as ingredients.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
silent bird prints
Silent bird prints leading away from daffodils peaking through the snow.
Snow fell last night after a few hours of pitter patter of rain. This morning as I walked the backyard, I found little soldiers making their way toward warmth of sun. I saw these bird foot prints in the snow and took this shot. Sometime soon, I hope to be in the mitts of spring time. I wish it would hurry up.
On the subject of exercise, I found my right knee is bothering me. I will be strengthening it with a flamingo rep knee bends 4x's and a sitting against wall pose during morning routine.
Monday, February 21, 2011
tufted titmouse bird
Happily frolicking with our visitors at the bird feeders is our usual guest the tufted titmouse bird. It's a nice song bird with a series of clear whistle calls peter-peter-peter. Their territory, our neighborhood, have a specific songs differentiates from others. They hear and recognize each other solely by voice or song. There is also a distress call to warn others. Song call wording by Bird Songs, 250 North American Birds in Song. It's a delicate bird and very subtle in manner as I watch them.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
my strawberry smoothie
I have a standard recipe I created for a strawberry smoothie. Here is my 2009 recipe:
I created a fast fruit smoothie to enjoy on a warm day or just as a quick snack.
My recipe makes a 16 oz serving.
I have a Kitchen Aid Blender set on High for 10 seconds.
135 g Fresh Strawberries
50 g Plain yogurt, full fat or light
100 g or 1/2 small banana
1 cup of ice cubes
It's oh so good!
gold finch
I spied our usual bird feeder guest, the gold finch. The females have a muted golden brown coloring and the males the bright golden yellow. Finches are abundant in open woodlands, brushy, weedy fields, farms, roadsides and every one's garden out here in Maryland. They flock to our feeder in the morning and feed themselves full but like to be in group feeding. They dance up and down each feeder post and on to the other side of the yard to the other feeder. They are nice to watch. We feed them thistle seeds from the birder store. Their call sounds like tsee-tsi-tsi-tsit , song wording from the book Bird Songs, 250 birds in song.
Today I found an abundant supplies of berries, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry on sale. I purchased just enough for a week's supply. I like them for breakfast, snacks and after dinner treat. I just bought a bottle of Italian wine, Pinot Grigio by Fontana Candida inexpensive and will have a glass with my strawberries.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
backyard birder
the frog buddah
january snow birds
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
downy woodpecker
This morning in my quiet room outside the side window we have another bird feeder secluded under a tree, I spied a Downy Woodpecker. This is a image of a male. You would think woodpeckers feed only on trees by pecking them. These birds visiting snatch seeds from the feeder. Bird seeds such as black oil sunflower seeds I have been filling them up with. He takes the sunflower seed then finds a hallow indentation in the dogwood tree and drums on the seed shell till it opens and eats the seed inside of it. There are several drummed areas in the tree now since several woodpeckers are visiting this particular feeder. These are small birds and they are happy in urban woodlands and wilderness forests. They eat insects they find on trees, shrubs and woody weeds. The males and females look somewhat alike. Their songs are simple notes which are often repeated. Sounds like check, check, check or queek, queek, queek called the pik call. The other call is the sputter call that sound like chick, chick, chick, chrr-rr-r, which express dominance. The other call sounds like chirp, chrr, and pshir. I found the wording of these calls in the book, Bird Songs (250 North American Birds in Song) that has the bird picture, description and a button for the actual bird singing. It's a great book to identify a bird and listen to their call.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
hiker at overlook
big meadows
We have plans to go back to Shenandoah Virginia and stay at Big Meadows in the spring, just a few months away. I am looking forward to spring as very light snow drops here tonight at home. This image is from Big Meadows and it looks like Dark Hallow Falls. It's a short hike about 1 mile to get to it. It is located in from Sky Line Drive next to the Big Meadows Lodge. There is parking and posted map guide for hiking directions. We usually hike it before breakfast, an early start before the crowd gets there to view the falls. We stay in a small cabin next to the lodge which has a large fireplace and usual amenities.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
altered books 2
altered books 1
I enjoy hand book binding and making altered books. There is a book maker class where we make hand binded books and alter them with tags and art work. The teacher will be Carol Owen and these are samples of her work. I visited SB today and she encouraged me to attend with her. We booked a weekend for the classes.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
lilac ragdolls
We will be adopting two ragdoll lilac kittens. This is a sample picture of a lilac ragdoll. The expected birthing is this month February. We are very excited! We decided to get a brother and sister so they can be happy together always. I've decided to call her Isabela and the boy kitty Oliver. Expected home arrival possibly April.
We've been redoing the home little by little. I have finished my quiet room. The closet has been redone with Container Store items. A dark brown theme. Six labeled large square zippered closed cloth organizers for folded items in shelves and floor and all hanging items in labeled hanging chocolate zippered clothes bags purchased somewhere else. When I finished I thought I was in a store. Then opposite I found a great Logan Storage Console from Pier 1 that was on sale before Christmas 2010. I sit a large crystal vase of fresh white roses on top of it and a simple dark wood Tivoli Audio radio in glossy dark walnut. Also, a large canvass painting on the wall hung over it. At Pier 1 I found the Charisse Armchair to sit by my window to watch the Cardinals. Beside that, I have a tiny simple table that sits my Mac Laptop perfectly the same dimensions and the printer underneath on the floor. At this point nothing else goes into the room. Occasionally, I end up in the room watching the Cardinals or listening to music and reading and misc. Maybe, one day Isabela and Oliver will be joining me in watching the birds too.
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