Saturday, February 26, 2011

white-breasted nuthatch

Out the window I spied a white-breasted nuthatch. A frequent visitor to the hidden bird feeder under the dogwood tree. The tree with drummed holes in it. The birds peck the seeds open in these holes. I have watched this particular bird drum seeds open frequently. We have black oil sunflower seeds in the feeder. We get our seeds at the birder store. I took this quick shot thinking he would move on but he stayed for a few minutes at this pose in a contemplative state. I think he's happy... he looks full and happy.

The nuthatch is a woodland bird that likes hopping up and down or walking with their strong feet up and down the tree bark. They hoard their food during the fall and winter for latter use. Songs by males are in series of repeated notes, hah-hah-hah and what-what-what. But both sexes calls are hit and tuck. The call quank which is used in mild excitement. Song wordings from Bird Songs, 250 North American Birds in Song.

CR: Had a busy day and there was 8 hrs break between eating. Still on CR but will need to be mindful and eat more regularly on time.