Friday, January 2, 2009

OMG la buffet

It's nice to wake up with a nice cup of hot tea.

Exercise: Morning pilates completed. I still concentrate on my left shoulder as I go through the routine. The Level 1 routine strengthens but does not injure or pain my shoulder. There are shoulder exercises in the routine. Today when we were about, I reached to point at a sign with my left arm behind me I felt a pain. I do wonder when it will heal itself. When is it time to get it checked? With injury not apparent on the surface but in the muscle, do you just wait and see in a few weeks?

Food 875 calories 28:33:38 (p:c:f): OMG! This morning we left around 9:30 am and ran errands. I didn't plan well and didn't eat before we left. I was not prepared and should of bought South Beach Diet bars for my purse, just in case when I was grocery shopping the other day. I didn't want fast food and I made a silent pack to myself I would no longer even think of going there permanently. A t 2:30 pm SD mentions buffet. La Buffet! Is it OMG or can I really make wise choices there? Fortunately, we went to one we have been before. I was ravenous by 2:30 pm and my plan was to calmly think it out even if my stomach says feed me please! I told SD I want a salad really bad first off. So here's what went down. First course: salad leaf greens and fresh mushrooms with a teaspoon of sunflower seeds topped with french dressing (carefully 1 tbsp.). Second course: protein on my mind. I went for chicken cooked two ways: baked and one sauteed, one baked mussel, two fried shrimps. Third course: steamed broccoli and carrots, mango cubes, pineapple chunks no syrup. Dessert: almond cookies. The result is, I have already calculated 875 kal or 28:33:38 on Cronometer for the day. I am still working on my numbers for nutrition and getting closer to my goals. I did very well for an off the cuff place to eat at.

When we arrived home I caught up with Cruiser and Bandit. Such good cats. The fireplace is flickering and now is time to warm up by it with a cup of tea.