Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 happy new year!

Happy New Year! I hear the whistle of fireworks going off and of course fun going on outside. I feel happy and it's nice to ring in the New Year feeling so. The sights and sounds of celebration continues around the world today.

I was just watching on tv Marjolein and her new pilates machine. It was nice to see her workout on it. I found some new exercises for strengthening and new moves for core training. It's true the pilates machine is a gentle yet body balancing and strengthening apparatus. Marjolein had said that after 12 workouts with diet you can achieve a leaner body mass and core & body strengthening. She said it was an independent study. I will look her up on her website lighter She also said that she had a wonderful stretch exercise that I will study to see if I would like to incorporate in my exercise routine.